Petersburg Economic
Development Council
PO Box 750
Petersburg, AK 99833
Liz Cabrera
Phone: 907-772-4042
Fax: 907-772-3759
Wednesday, 6-7 pm at Baptist Church, 5th and Gjoa St.
Saturday, 12-1 pm at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, 3rd and Dolphin St.
Daily, Humanity in Progress, 208 Haugen Dr, Corner of Haugen and South 3rd St.
Free bags of non-perishable food in a bin by the front door. Limit 1 bag per person at a time.
Monday - Friday, Mt. View Food Services, call 772-4331 for information or to schedule a delivery.
Contact Salvation Army at 772-4586.
SNAP (Food Stamps) - Provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. Call 800-478-7778