Borough government and private venders provide electric, water, sewer, fuel oil, and propane gas services to residences and businesses.
Municipal Utility Services
The Petersburg Borough owns and operates the local electric utility grid. The main source of energy is the 20-megawatt Tyee Hydroelectric Power Project, which serves both Petersburg and Wrangell.
The Petersburg Borough Water Utility strives to provide the community with an ample supply of clean, safe water for consumption, industry, and fire protection.
The Petersburg Borough Wastewater Utility operates and maintains a 2.1 million gallon per day primary treatment plant and 20 lift stations that comprise the community’s collection system.
Collection service is available to all residents of Petersburg and also to some areas outside of the Service Area One limits.
Petersburg Economic Development Council PO Box 750 Petersburg, AK 99833
Liz Cabrera Director Phone: 907-772-4042 Fax: 907-772-3759 Email