Petersburg Siren System Test
There will be a test of the Petersburg Siren system following the test of the Alaska Tsunami Warning system on March 29th, 2023.
The test times are as follows:
Tsunami Warning Test Via Television and Radio
Mar 29th, at approximately 10:15 am
Petersburg Siren Test
Mar 29th, at approximately 12pm
KFSK will be broadcasting notices of the tests prior to the test date. This notice will be displayed in Borough buildings. The Borough shall broadcast a notice of the coming tests through the Code Red notification system March 29th at 9:45 am.
These tests WILL be canceled in the event of any significant seismic activity.
Please contact the Fire Dept with questions about the Siren Test at 907-772-3355
Please contact KFSK with questions about the Tsunami Warning Test at 907-772-3808