Message from Power & Light
PMPL thanks all citizens who have been reporting snow laden branches in contact or nearing contact with power lines. The crew responded to numerous accounts around town, and this helped to keep power on throughout the snowy weekend. The crew continues to respond to reports and must cut branches out of the line to prevent conflicts from happening in the future. We appreciate the cooperation and understanding of tree owners as we do this work in support of maintaining our system.
We are also seeing a fair amount of individual electrical services being impacted by heavy snow coming off roofs. Please check your service line and weather head and try to knock heavy snow down before it lands on your electrical or telecom lines and causes damage.
Lastly, if possible, please maintain access to your electric and water meters. The meter reader will be starting the reading routes this week and she needs all the help she can get to reach the meters and perform her job. Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated.
To report problems with snowy branches and power lines, please call PMPL at 907-772-4203.
Thank you for your assistance!