Invitation to Bid: Surplus Equipment Snow Plow
November 29, 2022
Sealed Bid - Surplus Equipment Auction
Petersburg Municipal Power and Light is auctioning a used snowplow via sealed bid. Details are below:
- Make and Model: 2014 Meyer SV-9.5 hydraulic V plow with light package.
- Part No. 09213
- Serial No. 00060609213
- Frame mount included and compatible with a model year 2015 Ford F550 4wd truck.
- Wiring harness included.
- Wired remote controls for plow operation included.
Minimum Bid: $1,500.00
The plow is at the PMPL Scow Bay pole yard, next to the storage building. Inspection may occur during normal working hours 8:00am – 4:30pm, with notice to the PMPL office prior to driving to the site. 907-772-4203. The plow was operable when it was replaced, however there may be leaks in the hydraulic system that require repair.
Plow is sold “as is/where is” with no representations made as to condition, remaining life or functionality. Successful bidder must pay for and remove the plow within 5 days of auction bid opening. If payment is not received within 5 days of notice of award, PMPL will move on to the next highest bidder, and so on, until the unit is sold.
Sealed bids must clearly state that the bid is for the PMPL Meyer plow, the total dollars and cents of the bid, and the full name, address, email and phone number of the bidder. The bids shall be addressed to:
PMPL – Surplus Snowplow Sealed Bid
PO Box 329
Petersburg, Alaska 99833
Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered by hand to the PMPL office prior to the bid opening. Any bids received after the noted time of the bid opening will not be opened or considered. Bids below the minimum bid amount will not be considered.
All sealed bids will be opened publicly in the PMPL conference room at 4:00pm on December 12, 2022. The winning bidder will be notified that day.
Authorized by: Stephen Giesbrecht, Borough Manager

Meyer SV-9.5 Snowplow

Remote Controls

Ford F550 Frame Mount

Wiring Harness